Ciao; CYou

Salman Maqbool

Written by Salman Maqbool - I think about different stuff. You can follow me on twitter or find me here on my website

Thoughts on Maslow's hierarchy of needs

October 30, 2020

My thoughts on Maslow's hierarchy of needs and how it applies to some people or perhaps even large segments of the population, at various levels of the hierarchy.

Digital landscape in Pakistan

July 12, 2020

Data collected mainly from Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) on mobile phone and internet usage in Pakistan. It also contains some information on the digital financial services sector in the country.

Socio-economic conditions in Pakistan

July 05, 2020

Some data collected from World Bank on socio-economic indicators in Pakistan. It covers, GDP, GNI per capita, education, poverty, population; followed by some of my own thoughts.